Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Machinist School - N-appropriate in action!

In language class, you will learn that you should use synonyms.
Don’t just say idiot, use other words. I used to use the word “More-off”.
After all, a moron could not possibly be More “On”.
But nowadays, the epitome of society has decided that “stupid” and its synonyms are “evil”.
Don’t call somebody crazy, nutty, stupid, delirious, moronic ……. None of that!
Instead, use the N word,
N-appropriate means unsuitable for a given situation.
If you look up the word “stupid” on google, you will find lots of synonyms BUT N-appropriate is not included.
Of course, if you tell someone, “That is N-appropriate,” they want to know “What is so N-appropriate about it?”
There are two basic causes for N-appropriate: 1) lack of thought  2) lack of suitable action   ……. In other words, stupid.
So, to be correct, there is but one word to use for stupidity and its synonyms: N-appropriate.
How n-appropriate is that?
Oh, by the way, he is not wearing a hard hat .... probably not even steel toed shoes!