Styrofoam is not edible although it is a carbon-based material. Since it is a light weight material, some folks use it as a "filler". Again, just because it is filling, don't eat it!
Snow is simply water in a solid form. Water is made from a metal (hydrogen) and a non-metal (oxygen). Some folks don't believe that hydrogen is a metal. At room temperature, hydrogen is not only a metal, it is a vaporized metal. Other people wonder why water doesn't burn since it contains hydrogen and oxygen (actually water is burned up, oxidized, hydrogen ..... hydrogen ashes???). Anyway, another generic name for a metal & non-metal combination is "ceramic". Aluminum Oxide is a popular ceramic. Like "Plastic", "Ceramic" isn't really a material. Ceramic is a property - a set of characteristics - if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck!
That leaves us wondering ... are Igloos ... are they ceramic houses?
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